Join the LIFEKEEPERS program
LifeKeepers is a monthly donation program and is a convenient way to love men and women in your community before, during, and after a pregnancy decision.
Your monthly gift, given automatically through your credit or debit card, will allow us to offer free services to clients facing an unplanned pregnancy every day, twelve months a year.
It also provides you with an opportunity to support Positive Options in a way that is easy on your budget! Here’s what a monthly donor told us:
“I like to support the organizations I care about, but I can’t afford to write big checks. That’s why I decided to join the Lifekeeper program with a small amount once a month through my credit card. It’s safe, convenient, I can budget for it and it makes a huge difference to the individuals that Positive Options serves every day. Thank you for all you do!”
– Marilyn, Grand Rapids, MI

● Commitment to protecting and caring for human life
● Commitment to offer compassion, hope, and help to anyone considering an abortion
● Commitment to providing Christ-centered support for those facing unplanned pregnancies.
You have heard it said, it takes a village. We are the body of Christ - the army of the living God. Together we go into the darkness and carry the light of the Gospel - and with it the redeeming message of God’s love for humanity. God sends us out, filled with His Spirit, and covered with the protection of His armor. Each piece of armor carries the wisdom and power of God. As we put on the armor of God, we are equipped to battle the enemy and fight for good. He lovingly provides the spiritual tools we need to accomplish the great call of the Gospel.
As soldiers, we have been crafted with unique capacity, power, and
purpose. We are called “living stones” - building what Christ started. Thinking of that picture, we see everyone involved in the work to protect life and proclaim the Gospel as living pieces of the armor needed in this battle for life. Some are swords, some are shields, some are helmets - and together, we cover each other for the work. Through the banding together of donors - we are equipped with everything we need to bring free care to those in need.
Questions? Call Jon at 616.396.8127 x180 or send an email to: donations@lpcenters.com.