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Single Session Interactive Workshops 

The following sessions are facilitated by Positive Options staff and designed to foster sensitivity, transparency, and deeper discipleship in every church. Presenters are able to combine or modify individual sessions to accommodate time or format, depending on the specific needs of your church. Questions? Email us


Cultural Issues and Trends of Life and Family (2hrs)

This session will introduce your community to the pro-abundant life movement. It offers an understanding of historical influences and current opportunities affecting the body of Christ and its potential impact on pregnancy decisions and abortion. Information is powerful. Begin the conversation and learn key strategies to change the abortion narrative.



Sharing the Gospel:
Turn Everyday Encounters to Jesus Conversation (2hrs) 

Often, introducing the gospel into conversation with someone can feel risky, awkward or difficult. This fun and interactive workshop is designed to help Christians become prepared and practiced in sharing the Good News with anyone, anywhere. Learn a simple Gospel model and ‘put on your bold’ as you celebrate your own journey with Jesus, and bring others along with you using confident and meaningful steps of discipleship. 



Speaking to the Tough Issues: Posturing and Practice (2hrs) 

Bringing hope to hurting people begins with making a positive connection and listening with authentic curiosity. Knowing how to effectively engage vulnerability with permission and with skill is powerful. This session discusses healthy communication, asking good questions and our response to challenging conversations we encounter as we love and serve others. 



The Father Factor: Helping Men Become Intentional (1.5hrs) 

In this session we will learn about the value and significance of fathers and fatherhood, the influence they have in an unplanned pregnancy decision, and the role they play in establishing a healthy family and abundant living. We will address the issue of fatherlessness in our culture, and identify practical ways the church can offer a transformational solution. 



Abortion Aftercare:
Find Someone Safe. Be Someone Safe (2hrs) 

 Help Christ’s church build courage and transparency around the issue of abortion by opening conversation about abortion in the church, in our culture and in the stories of those closest to us. This session will grow what you know and offer positive next steps of help and healing for men and women. 

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© Copyright 2025

Lakeshore Pregnancy Center.

All rights reserved. 

Tel: 616-396-8127

339 S River Ave

Holland, MI 49423

Tax ID: #38-3046882

ECFA accreditation
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This website is for informational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for receiving professional medical care. 
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